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John Neri – Destination Wedding Photographer & Cinematographer

About John:

Meet John Neri, a passionate destination wedding photographer and cinematographer with a remarkable journey that may have begun back in middle school. His early experiences helping his mother with filming, wielding big lamps, and assisting with heavy cameras laid the foundation for his love of photography and videography.

Roots in Filmmaking:

In those formative days, John didn’t concern himself with camera models or brands. He recalls the 8mm cassettes and helping his mother with school pictures and weddings. In return for his assistance, he was given the chance to experiment with the cameras. This laid the groundwork for his creative journey.

A Lifelong Passion:

From stop motion pictures featuring action figures to capturing the beauty of birds and insects near his home, John’s early memories are the wellspring of his deep love for photography and cinematography. His work is a reflection of those cherished experiences, motivating him to continually push the boundaries and deliver the best possible work.

Photography Philosophy:

John’s work is a labor of love, where every shot, angle, gesture, and detail is captured with dedication and passion. He doesn’t just tell stories; he crafts them, cherishing each narrative he has the privilege to convey.

website https://johnneri.com/

Phone +52 1 322 159 8639